Is McIntosh still a good choice?

When I was a teenager I was really into stereo equipment. I eventually bought a complete system and thus moved on to other interests in life. At the time McIntosh was highly respected. My grandfather owned several McIntosh pieces and I revered them with their blue glow. Now it's time for me to become an audiophile again and I'm upgrading my system. I still have reverence for Mac equipment and love it's industrial design. Is McIntosh still highly respected, or have they become passe? Should I still consider a Mac integrated amp? I'm also exploring an Arcam A85 integrated. I'll be driving a pair of Paradigm Studio/20s. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by nguyenchiro

I have owned an amp of MacIntosh MC2102, which is a terrific piece and great great sounding with very low distortion and neutral. That is for my stereo system and I also want to get a solid state MC602, which has hight rating in some audio magazines (sorry i do not remember the names) for my Hometheater system. I suggest that you should follow your grandfather's opinion but I warn you MacIntosh products are not affordable at all. Even though you can afford them you also can afford a better pair of speakers, which are driven by MacIntosh amp, probably for a good match.