Is Magnepan is coming out with it's own amplifier

I had a dealer mentioned that magnepan was coming out with its own amplifier, does anybody know anything about it or if it's true? 
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Showing 1 response by gammonit_2000

The bigger "issue" from my recliner chair is that Magnepan undercuts their dealers by selling the LRS for a low price, shipping it directly, and giving a money back guarantee.  Next step up is the .7i which is 2x and the 1.7i which is 3x.  Frankly having bought the LRS and they sound good and by adding the two REL T5i subs it's a hella system at the 1.7i price so I can't imagine buying those speakers for that price.  It is possible I would move up to a 3.7i or maybe those new 30.7 minis so I give Wendell some credit for his appetizer theory.