Is live reproduction the goal of audio?

Is the ultimate direction of electronics to reproduce the original performance as though it were live?

Showing 1 response by shadorne

The goal of audio electronics and transducers is to sound as life-like as possible but this is not at all the same as "live".

Since real instruments have complex surfaces and venues have reflective surfaces that all radiate/reflect sound ....then the real thing is close to an impossibility for playback without a multitude of transducers and computer processing of signals.

An analogy would be a theatre play versus a movie.....the theatre is restricted to the stage where live actors can respond to eachother and the audience; it has major qualities in these dynamic interactions. A movie is flat 2D but an almost unrestricted visual palette for the director. Movies are edited and reviewed thousands of times to select the highest quality takes.

Both can be impressive but for very different reasons.

A movie will never fool you that it is real (even if it is impressive & engaging) and a live performance, so obviously real, will always be limited by the venue and the perfomers live abilities on that day.