Is listening daily at an average of 85db safe?

For a few hours a day I listen at an average of 85dbc. (Yes that's dbc, c weighted, not a weighted) A weighted average is about 78. All information on hearing loss I can find online is always measured in Dba, not dbc. Does this mean I can actually listen louder without the risk of damage or no? Are bass sounds less damaging? Is it safe for me to be listening daily at these levels?

Showing 2 responses by musicnoise

asking this question on an audiophile web site is not a very good idea; neither is giving someone advice in this regard. I have my own opinion, which, given my background is probaly better than 99 percent of the persons who are going to respond. Consult an audiologist.
"Pro sound books" and "Audio magazines" ( assuming we are not referring to peer reviewed audiology journals) are not exactly the type of sources that should be relied upon for auditory health.