Is Krell onto something?

Krell's latest Pre/Pro (reviewed in this month's Stereophile) features two center channel outputs, joining Magnepan in support of this, in my opinion, superior option for the most crucial (should I say 'all important') channel. An image right in the screen's center, one speaker above, one below, adds a palpable level of realism, and, after all, two (speakers and amps) don't have to work as hard as one.

Any thoughts, other than the standard 'comb filtering' argument, that does not anyway hold up to measurements, or my listening experience.
What the heck is an EISA?! Never heard of her...
For the record, anyway, do you really need Krell's AV equip to get an award to know it's automatically going to better than most all of the other stuff out there, anyway?! I think not.
Can't remember a piece EVER from Krell that was not excellent.
It seems to me that a big benefit of this is not for dedicated home theaters but for people who have mounted plasmas/LCDs. By using dual centers, you can use vertical speakers on either side of the TV and not be forced to use a horizontal speaker (which is a serious compromise in quality).