Is it worth upgrading the Wadia 860 to 861 specs?

The local dealer won't let me bring an 861 home to compare, since I have no intention of buying it and I didn't get the 860 from him. I run the Wadia directly into a Plinius amp and through a couple pair of ProAc 2 speakers.

>>the local dealer won't let me bring an 861 home to compare, since I have no intention of buying it and I didn't get the 860 from him<<

whoa, is this a surprise? i'm a lawyer. an analogous situation for me would be your requesting my drafting a complex contract gratis to see if you liked my "style." that might happen if you were bill gates. i assume you are not. -kelly
I have a related question. Isn't the biggest thing about the upgrade to the 861 the ability to oversample or upsample? I'm new at this stuff, but from what I have read the 861 will take the 44khz signal and upsample or oversample it to 1.4mhz. Isn't this similar to what the MSB Link III does (only seven times better), and if so..from what I have read this should definately be worth the $1500.
Hey. I'm not a freeloader. I told the dealer I had no intention of buying his 861, but I would go through him to get the upgrade if I liked the difference. He still wouldn't let me take the 861 home.

you're talking about the 860 -> 860x upgrade.

The 861 is practically a new machine (different boards).

Sschickli, maybe the dealer would let you bring your player in to compare? Might be difficult in an unfamiliar system but better than nothing. The upgrade cost should be worth at least that much time for him.