Is it worth the trouble?

I read frequently of time consuming and energy sapping exercises by various members who are in quest of a vague sonic ideal. At the same time, I see reference to the point of diminishing returns in regard to pricing of equipment. Is there a point of diminishing returns which would apply to efforts? Is it really worthwhile to spend an entire weekend evaluating the relative sonic merits of several plating metals? Wouldn't you rather just enjoy what you have?

Showing 1 response by mdhoover

"Do people ever engage in "critical listening" from a positive perspective? It seems to me that it is always about finding faults."

I've done both, but waaaaayyyyy more of the positive since getting Intuitive Design Summits. I reviewed them here, and what happens is that I think of something I said in the review that sounds too good to be true even to ME. So I do a "reality check" listening to them again, and always end up just smiling. It's a very good feeling.

Although I am extremely picky about sonics, I AM capable of sitting back and enjoying the music and prefer to do so instead of doing multiple "tests." Evaluating the equipment is necessary and sometimes KIND of fun, but it's a means to an end, not the main reason I listen at all. Evaluating equipment as a PRIMARY pursuit is what smart, wise and patient people like Duane and Steve, my dealers, are for.