Is it true records are sealed to look better....

...and need a thorough proper cleaning even when new to sound best?

A vendor of ultrasonic record cleaning machines asserted this to me recently.  He also described a 45 minute process using an ultrasonic record cleaner to address it. Yikes! I clean my records manually now in just a few minutes and sounds clean when done. I thought an automatic record cleaner would save time and make things easier but not according to this particular expert.


Showing 2 responses by stevecham

Let's be very clear about this "mold release agent" thing and put it to bed once and for all. The hot vinyl biscuit gets deposited between the two preheated stampers and the biscuit is then pressed. The stampers are cooled via water jackets, separated and the record is released from the press. There is no added anything to the process. There is no "PAM" that is sprayed onto the stampers or treated to the prestamped biscuit. It is simply the vinyl substrate on the record surface, nothing else.