Is it the uneven lengths or cosmetic blemishes hurting me

I figured I ask the community what is hurting me more with my ad for my Nordost Heimdall speaker cables I have listed here , and on USAM. I have had them on USAM for several months, here on Audiogon for about a week. My only response were from scammers one from Vietnam another China. I have them priced to sell. Just figured I would get some feedback.
Happy Listening

Showing 6 responses by markum01

Because you don't like Nordost does not make it a mediocre cable.
Thanks for your wisdom!
Happy Listening
The damage is cosmetic flaw not a compromise to the electrical conductivity of the cable.
I received them in a deal did with my dealer I am not the original owner.
Maybe I will list them separately but considering retail on the lengths I have $2300.00 I'm listing them at $500.00. 
Thanks Mark
I tried that Nordost will not shorten length anymore. If I'd it myself it would further devalue the cables
Sold! A lesson learned I will never do a deal where there are uneven lengths or cosmetic damage on cable ever again.