Is it safe to buy from Audiogon sellers?

Dear audiophiles, 

Is it safe to buy products from audiogon sellers ( person or shop)? I don't want to receive goods contrary to the description on the audiogon web.  Unlike eBay, there seems no guarantee over here? Am I right?  Those who have plenty of buy & sell experience here, pls. kindly give me your advice, My location is fin Far East which is far from U.S.A. Tks.


Showing 1 response by audiozen

A crap shoot...Early last year I purchased a Rega Mira 3 on Gon and what a shock when I received it. It came up to Seattle from Long Beach
and the seller took a carton flat and slid the Rega into one end then duct taped the ends. Nothing else. Just a flat piece of cardboard. I also ordered from TMR/The Music Room a Sony SACD player and when received...Wow! The best packaging I have ever experienced in 20 years. The player did not have the original carton and the TMR carton was very thick and they wrapped the unit in a plastic sealed surround and injected liquid foam completely around the unit like a well sealed coffin. Thats as good as it gets.