Is it safe to A/B 2 different speakers using my int. amp's balance so I can compare?

Just got a pair of Rega RS1s and own some Focal 714s.  I have a SS integrated amp with mono that pumps 100/channel.

I'm bad with listening retention where I play a song using one pair of speakers, switch them out with the new pair, and recall differences between the 2.  Will I get a good representation of from each speaker if I connected the Rega to the LEFT and the Focal to the RIGHT channel and just toggle L-R between the two during a song?  I do realize I will lose the soundstage & imaging, but am interesting in hearing the musicality and tone of each.  The next question, and more important one, is this safe?  Thanks.

Showing 1 response by tmcclintock

Yeah, but to answer OP’s question, I can’t see that it would hurt anything. Not as the sole way of testing/deciding, but it might be interesting to set the two side by side near the center, switch the amp to mono and listen for differences in tone, dynamics, etc. You’d need to balance output using an SPL meter when switching back and forth. Could maybe give insight into why one is preferred over the other when listening in the usual way.