Is it real or is it Memorex

Today I recieved my TG SLVR PC and let me say WOW. I've never heard the vocals so focused in that it made me do one thing I haven't done before and that is turn the volume up.

It felt that I had a private concert and that the singer was singing to me. Everything from vocals to the snap of the symbols jumped out of nowhere. I wish I was more eloquent but suffice to say that I turned off the lights turned up the volume and enjoyed the music.


Well I've posted my meager system so feel free to comment. There is more work to be done but since I'm unionized it's break time LOL.

My PC is from the CDP to the Power Bar.

Freakygreek, would you mind sharing your system with us and where you inserted the pc's? Thanks. I'm glad things worked out so well for you.