Is it possible to set OPPO 205's audio signal source always on USB input?

Thanks for your attention everyone!

Just curious about a minor aspect that most OPPO 205 users perhaps don't mind....

I'm using it as a pure DAC receiving digital signal from my Mac via USB input, and every time I turn it on the very necessary operation is to press the "INPUT" button on the 205's remote and select "6-USB Audio Input". Then it starts working as a USB DAC. 

So by any means is it possible to make 205's audio input status always on the "6-USB Audio Input" so that it will work as if a standalone DAC? I know the above input select just cost a few seconds and not an unbearable drawback, but still would like to explore...



OPPO DOES provide an option: Settings>Device Setup>Power On Input>Last Input.

Just tested by setting input to USB then turn off and on again and it worked well as I expected.