Is it possible to be an audiophile and be happy with what you have

It seems like audiophiles are always looking to upgrade. From something as minor as a fuse to upgrading all their components. Music lovers on the other hand seem content with what equipment they have and just want to experience new music. So I ask you, can a audiophile just be happy with what they have? Or is that just not possible being an audiophile?


Showing 1 response by dill

I did the same thing geoff, except took it one step further. I now only collect and listen to wind-up music boxes that only play one song at a time. They use no electricity, look cool, easy to store, require vertually no maintanance and fun for all ages. The downside is, by the time I get back to the listening position from the music box stand, some of the song has already played. I guess I could listen near-field. BTW: I found a good sand filled 24" stand works best.