Is it possible for the center image to drift from lp to lp?

Lately it seems I'm having to adjust speaker positioning, slightly, to accommodate for "center image drifting".

It does seem to fluctuate somewhat between varying lps.

Could it be either of these things:

(1) I'm a 57 year old male.
(2) The transparency of my system .
(3) The mixing of any particular lp.
(4) Once one's system is revealing enough, is it possible to hear if the center image, ( in the case of a vocalist) moves slightly from one side of the microphone?

I'm hoping for most to come down on number 4.


Showing 9 responses by astro58go

I've even considered the fact that, (as most of us are), my facial features aren't symmetrical. My right ear is slightly higher than the left. I've accounted for this and as I say, just recently noticing the change enough to inquire here.
..I've actually noticed this "drifting" while listening to the same lp, so that does kind of narrow any answer I was hoping for.

Anyone else experience this?
It's a given that my hearing is not consistent. Although this particular issue wasn't an issue until I recently acquired more revealing speakers.

I haven't considered your other point.
cousinbillyl, What you described is exactly what I was trying to convey. I assume since your thoughtful answer detailed my concerns, you have thought about it as well.

cleeds, Yes, these things are checked often.

dcbingaman, Your "solution" is very expensive but under consideration regarding future purchases.

All, I've really paid attention, even more, to speaker adjustments. I can say, the issue is not noticed as much as when I first posted, but still there on occasion. I have been tinkering around with acoustic treatments as well. The sonics have been improved greatly. This revelation may have an additional affect of being more sensitive to "this issue"? Thanks!

dcbingaman, Thank you for the info. I do appreciate the alternative to an equipment change.

stringreen, I hear where you're coming from. I Do feel I have some more "truth" to find within my room. Thanks!
FWIW,  My next , (and maybe last upgrade, except for acoustical treatments) may be going from my EAR 834P, MC/MM & Bob's Cinemag to the  K&K Maxxed Out w/ volume, since I have a vinyl only set-up.
I appreciated all of the responses.

When I first posted, I had recently received a pair of Usher Tiny Dancer Mini Ones. They were advertised as having 150 hours on them. I had put around 60 more hours before I posted.

What I feel to have been the issue for my post, is now gone. I believe it was the break-in period had not been substantial enough. Then, it seemed to take longer for one speaker than the other.

These speakers with the diamond tweeter, are so revealing (they replaced my BE-718s) that any tiny adjustment is noticed.