Is it just me or does the "new" posting parameters seem like there unproductive?

Well it was that time to sell some nice gear so I log on to my favorite, most expensive AND best results provider and thats Audiogon and immediately I start writing my Magnum Opus Ads and quickly realize that AGon has made another set of changes that will clearly drive me and as apparent by the lack of volume of recent listings many, many other audiophiles away from this market place and straight into the arms of competitors like eBay et al!  I have 100% feedback and have had many HIGH DOLLAR purchases and sales and now it seems AGon cant trust Audiophile adults to decide how and when and where to complete their transactions so it looks like I will be taking my sales to eBay and will still look at this wonderful site to purchase the occasional piece of gear but as I peruse I cant help but notice that most of the areas I frequent have significantly fewer choices listed and buy a mile...Hmmmmm any correlation to recent changes?  Soon this will be a site for only hi paying dealers and it will (in my opinion) make the way of the DoDo...I truly hope not it is sad for me to watch greed ruin this wonderful site but alas we shall see.
Ag insider logo xs@2xrikintpa

Showing 2 responses by htsys


   I was interested in all your posts on selling our gear on Audiogon.  
    While they do seem to make it more scrutinized for the individual seller, I think that is because, like all selling sites, there are always s fee unscrupulous sellers or buyers, and I think Audiogon is just trying to protect everyone.  Unfortunately, the rest of us suffer from the actions of a few. 


    I thought I’d put this out to all. Since I’ve recently looked at selling some of my gear; do you think it would be useful for Audiogon to have a link that would allow us to see a history of sales - say for the last 12 months - of that particular item; so we’d have a more realistic idea of what the item should sell for?  It appears that most items are being offered at very unrealistic prices, that are higher then what is realistic. Having a history of actual selling points would benefit us all. 
Its just my thoughts.  I’d appreciate any comments on this. 

