Is it good for a Krell to SIT for 3-5yrs

I have been told that the worst thing you can do is let a big Krell sit in its box for years.I was told the caps all dry out especially if it has not been serviced for 10yrs.I am looking for a KSA 300s but they are all just sitting in the closet then coming out for Big Bucks.Is this not bad for them?

Showing 2 responses by macrojack

Yes!!! Krell is not at its best unless properly aged in a "Krellar". This is similar to a wine cellar with controlled humidity and temperature. The serious audiophile keeps storage records and carefully monitors his stash so as to not mature the critical Krellulites at too rapid a pace.

If you have heard a bad sounding Krell it is because the owner did not take these precautions. I thought everyone knew this.
Thanks for the heads up but I already knew enough to avoid Krell. There's so much other really wonderful stuff out there I can't be bothered with overpriced pretenders.