Is it best to leave gear on or to shut it off?

Does anyone have any insight on whether it is better to turn off vintage gear at night of to leave it on and never shut it off?
On all the time, get a Hybrid car and recycle if you feel guilty.......but if it is SS or even a tube pre I leave everything on 24/7. My gear isnt exactly vintage but isnt new either, I only shut off if out of town or in Thunder Storms.
I don't think it's a question of vintage vs. modern, but solid state vs. tube.

I kept my Bryston amp and pre-amp on almost 25-years and it sounded great all the time. I wouldn't do that with tube equipment, since there's more likelyhood of a tube failure and the lives of tubes are relatively short.

I'm turning off my Conrad Johnson solid state control amp after listening. It's got a couple of LED displays and some switching features that worry me. The Bryston pre-amp was passive and the amp didn't even have a power switch.

Generally I think it's a personal decision.

Hi Mlsstl. Thanks for the very helpful response. I found that there are many answers. I also found out that tubes might be right for me. The amount of time my system is on I would be going through about two sets of tubes per year.
All great equipment stays on in stand-by mode. Keeps the transistors ready. Solid State not familier with tubes but I love high doller tube systems.