Is iPod Digital Output Possible?

I've been scouring through all the ipod accessories and cannot find what I am looking for. Perhaps it does not exist. I was wondering if there is any cable or dock that will allow me to extract a digital output from my iPod video (or any iPod for that matter)? There's plenty of adapters to pull the analog out, but it seems like you always need a computer interface to get digital output. Why? Is it just a matter of software to sort out the library? More to the point; I want to connect my iPod directly to my DAC or even to my Waveterminal (requires the squareish delivery end of a USB cable) to my this possible? Has this been discussed previously? If so, where the heck was I? No, don't answer that last part! The authorities may be listening in! Just tell me how to get a digital stream out of my iPod if it's possible.


Showing 4 responses by regalma1

Alpine makes a head unit for cars that does not have a CD player. It claims to take the digital output from an Ipod. So it must be possible.
Also, check out Red Wine Audio. They do upgrades on Ipods though not the latest ones. They upgrade the analog section because they claim the DAC is top notch already. One review I read said that the upgraded unit is pretty much reference quality.
That is not the unit I mentioned. That is a generation or two old.

It is a new product that does not even have a CD player. It specifically states that it uses the Ipod digital outputs. I personally have their best current CD receiver which interfaces with the Ipod through a simple cable, but nowhere does it state that it is doing the digital conversion, so I suspect it does not. If the Wolfson is as good as so many people claim then the mods to the analog section that Red Wine does may achieve the results claimed. But I have not heard it, only read about it. Caveat Emptor.

Here is the url. It is the iDA-X001. Personally I am not ready give up the ability to listen to CDs in the car. Though I don't take advantage of it too often.
Check out this Stereophile announcement for details on how this is done. It looks like we will be seeing more of these products in the future.