Is high end audio to snooty for its own good?

I think it has become that way. Some people flaunt that they have high end systems and they listen to certain kinds of music and I think it puts the hobby in a negative light at times.

Showing 3 responses by schubert

I believe it is in what you see the object of listening to music is.
If you listen to music as entertainment, and nothing wrong with that, its a hobby.
If you listen to it for the purpose Bach said its for, to enlighten and edify your soul, its something else . And the very essence of that is the opposite of "snooty" .
Of course we are all a work in progress .
calvini, nothing will refine someone who does not want to be refined.
What you are "dealing with " are Christian believers for the most part.

The greatest Christian thinker, Augustine, took the concept whole from the ancient
Greeks and passed it on to Aquinas, Luther and Bach among others
Also been the view of most Asians thinkers for thousands of years .