Is high end audio to snooty for its own good?

I think it has become that way. Some people flaunt that they have high end systems and they listen to certain kinds of music and I think it puts the hobby in a negative light at times.

Showing 1 response by martykl

High end audio.  High end wine. High end sports cars.  High end fill in the blank.

In all cases, buying from the "high end" of the market will involve a fair bit of snob appeal.  Some people drive Ferraris because they track them, some because they're beautiful cars, some because they feel good behind the wheel, and some because they like to drive around in a rolling sign advertising their liquid net worth.  Without a shred of supporting data, I'd guess that the percentages are probably more similar than different across the categories I mentioned above.

Yeah, they're all probably a bit snootier than I'd prefer, but they're probably just snooty enough for their own good.  That is, snooty enough to maximize the dollars.  Remember, for every ten regular folks turned off by the air of superiority, all you need is one billionaire to go all-in.