Is Hales finished for Good?

I knew Wadia and Hales were in trouble but it was my understanding at least Hales was predicted to survive.I went into Soundworks in Roch.NY today and I was told they both were bankrupt/dead.I was told many customers were waiting on Rev.3's and may have trouble getting their money back from Hales/Wadia as many prepaid for speakers etc. but the cash was tied up.Anytruth to all this?

Showing 1 response by gthirteen

I for one am really sad. I owned rev 3 speakers, and I sold them to a friend about 7 months ago. I really liked them, and, while I still consider it a rumor, I am saddened by what I have heard, re: Hales' disappearance from the scene. I have a high opinion of the line, and hope to own the T8 one day. This is really nothing to make fun of. If any of us were as talented or as driven to create a great sounding speaker, and then market and profit from it's sale it might not be as entertaining. Paul, if you read this, I dont know you, but don't give up. Hales=good speakers.