Is Forte Free Agent still good for Newsgroups?

It's been a long time (over 20 years) since I frequented the newsgroups.

Is Forte Free Agent still the best?

I want to get some classic bootlegs and it's been a great resource in the past.




Showing 12 responses by jjbeason14


Thanks for the response!  I also have Verizon FIOS. 

Is that really still true?

What's a pay to play news provider?



Found a great site!

Guitar 101 - awesome for bootlegs.

I found the one I was looking for....Sheryl Crow - Trinity Church Sessions

Thanks again!


Can anyone check to see if the bootleg newsgroup is up and running?

I really appreciate all your help.


Hey EZ 

I'm looking for live recordings and especially Sheryl Crow, U2 and Smashing pumpkins boots.

Thanks again for all your help!


Thanks Guys!  You are Awesome!

Any more advice would be greatly appreciated.


Hey EZ, could you do me a huge favor and check the bootleg newsgroup?

Your help would be greatly appreciated.