Is digital poetry...

Is digital poetry written in DACtylic hexameter?
Or rendered in cuneiform with a stylus?
Critics need not ask "Wire you making such treble puns?" --
nor level bass accusations --
but respond in kind, and I will be amp-ly rewarded.
(Or perhaps forced to a-tone for my sins.)
Now is the time to speaker forever hold your peace.
Well, I sort of punked out on that last sentence. Maybe this is more the ticket... One nation, analog, undigital, with liquidity and NOS tubes for all.
02pete, your musings ring with musicality. They deserve a sound stage. I type on my laptop, this platform of isolation, to resonate from far field with others' musical fidelity, interconnected with mysterious brothers and sisters in a speaker cabal. Deep in a totem forest, I leap from linn to linn, shouting "timbre!" But if noone is there to hear, do I make an absolute sound? A vs. B, tu-be or not tu-be, these are the questions that triode souls in our single-ended pursuit of musical happiness. We quest on, balancing passion and rega, for the sound to which we can pledge our allegiance. One nation, analog, un-digital, forever and forever.
Could we but forgo the pernicious iambic pentametre, and a-tune our expectations onto another rhythm, better revealing of our intended pace!