Is difference between B&W 802D & 800D worth price?

First time poster. I currently have McIntosh 501 monoblocks, 1 TB music server with Squeezebox Duet and Benchmark DAC1 PRE, and B&W 803 matrix speakers. The server set up and Macs are recent additions and next will be new speakers. I must say, however, that the 803s sound much better with my new gear. I previously had the Adcom 555 Mark II and the Adcom CD changer.

The speakers under consideration are the B&W 800D and 802D. (I love the 801s but they score low on spousal approval. I temporarily have a set of borrowed 801 series 3 at home now and they are simply wonderful.)

Has anyone out there compared the 802D and 800D in their listening room and if so, what were your thoughts? I am several months away from making a purchase and want to make a good decision. Thanks!

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