Is D for Dry? Class D...

Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry on

Showing 8 responses by ricevs

There were only a dozen EVS 1200 amps made.....there is nothing to answer.  There is one guy who preferred some $7K mono block tube amps on his modded Ulfberht's.  Everyone else is happy.  What I do know is that the stock IceEdge (Legacy type implementation) is not something I could live with.  The mods (by the way, if you want to know more about them......just call me and I will describe every mod in detail to you) change/improve the sound a lot.  However, knowing what is possible....there is no way the modded IceEdge is state of the art.  There is always more.  

I don't see any "refined" parts in the Legacy amp.  The raising of the input impedance is just one of 13 things I do to the module.  Many things I did to the module made more difference than raising the input impedance.

stock IceEdge amp review.....

A review of the Legacy i-v7 amp (the same as the I-v4 Ultra except all channels hooked up).  When he listened in stereo, I believe, he listened to the front channels in mono block mode.  Read the review.....he liked it....however, it did not do everything as well as his reference amp.

The tube amps that were preferred are less than $8K for the PAIR. This person just got an all out, very latest McCormack DNA 0.5 and thinks its the best or solid state...he has ever heard. The DNA amps are not produced anymore so you have to find a used one and send it to Steve and have him do all his latest mods and tweaks.....apparently, everything is rebuilt.

Here is a review of some other persons mod to his DNA-1

Modders rule....he he

You omitted his statement:
  • Soundstage width and depth presentation not quite as “big” as some other reference-level amplifiers.

Did you read the 10 Audio review I posted? He does not think it is anywhere near as good as his Benchmark or many other amps.....only rated it an 8 on his 10 scale. There are tons of people who have sold stock IceEdge module amps (Mivera amps, for instance) as these stock IceEdge amps did not compete in their system.

I am not saying you should not buy the IceEdge based Rouge and sent it to me. Just trying to give some perspective. Truth is not a guessing game. In my direct experience, the modded IceEdge are very good. Stock, I found it boring and Blah.
Everything makes a difference.  Most here are ignorant of that fact. Most people just buy stuff and listen.  They have no idea what things do inside the box.  Hardly anyone knows that every single thing you do changes the sound.  If you have 5 manufacturers using the stock IceEdge module, you will have 5 different sounds.  And 2 of the 5 would be wildly different.  Even the AC inlet makes a serious difference.......the AC wire inside, the power switch, the chassis vibrations, the hook up wire, grounding, jacks, brands of solder, etc to infinity.  Give me that exact Mivera amp in the review and one hour later with my tweaks you will have a noticeably better sounding amp without even touching the module.  Many of the mods I do to the module make it more open, dynamic and extended.  The soundstage gets larger and not in some kind of exaggerated way.  Some stock components will shrink the soundstage.....some will artificially expand it.  Some components will sound very detailed but still dry up the 3D live sound.  A large bodied guitar should should sound like a large bodied guitar.....this is how it sounds live.  It should not be a pin pointed super small cardboard cutout.  If you have a perfect recording and played back through perfect gear then you should get the exact live concert.  There is no perfect recording, there are no perfect playback components.  The fact that our stereos sound great is a miracle.....plain and simple. 

Audio is not simple.  There is no end to this game.  There are no measurements that tell you which brand of solder sounds best.  You have to listen.  Drag racing is have 5 factors.....power, weight, drag, traction and gearing.....and it is all measurable by the clock.  There is no clock in audio....there is just our ears.  Since everything makes a difference in the sound and it cannot be measured.....well.....Pandora's box times infinity.  Enjoy the ride.  If you think you "know something"......well, it is just your ego wanting to be in control.  What you what you experience.  Everything else is just guesses.  When you know yourself as essence, you will know everyone as essence.  We are all beautiful and worthy....everyone.
I have never seen or modded a Rouge or PS Audio amp. However, they will both benefit the same from the mods. I spent 6 months modding the IceEdge module so this is why I know my mods will work. Tonal differences? Way more to sound than tonal differences. Maybe you mean sonic benefits? Please call me if you want more info. Now back to your regular program.

No, you can clearly see the stereo IceEdge modules in ALL of Legacy’s amps. They do not use the AS1. Buying AS2s in bulk makes more sense, since they make a lot of multichannel amps.
If you want to know anything about my mods then please call me.  Any mod done to an IceEdge module will void all warranties with the manufacturer (Legacy, in your case)  and with IcePower.  This is one reason most would not be interested in mods to expensive gear, like the Legacy.  The modded Rouge Design would cost you very little.....the IceEdge modules (modded or stock) are super reliable.  All 12 of my modded amps from 2019 are still going strong.  
What is true in audio is what we can hear.  You can argue about science but it is just thoughts in your head.  What is real, is what we hear.  Both de-staticing and demagnetizing a CD will improve the sound.  This can easily be heard.  The effects of the procedure, however, are to the spinning of the plastic CD......building up more static.  Your ears are on your head........the ego is in the mind.  Use your ears.....they work.