Is D for Dry? Class D...

Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry on

Showing 17 responses by georgehifi

What’s the issue with tube pins? I own 70+ year old Western Electric Amps and 300B
See that what I mean, absolutely no idea.
Your not pumping any where near 400w and the current you would with a 300b just 🤣

What AGD has done is brilliant on more than one level.
I said it before you have no idea, and whatever your getting for this shilling, he needs to take it all back because your hopeless at it..

given Alberto Guerra’s career in the industry

From an interview with him about using empty 6550 tubes to house the GaN amplifier boards in.
"Company founder Alberto Guerra admitted that he did it largely for the sake of visual aesthetics. Otherwise a class-D amp just looks like a box”
You don’t have to be too smart to see the tube pins are going to be a problem with a bit of age on them, especially if being used with a speaker that demands a bit of juice sucked through those tube pins. (like I said you may as well have spring clip speaker terminals)

Jeff Rowland is reading...and taking notes
He doesn't have to take notes, as NO WAY you’d see JR doing high wattage/current signal transfer through those sorts of contacts, EVER!.

Cheers George
OK Sunshine.

What’s the issue with tube pins? I own 70+ year old Western Electric Amps and 300B tubes and have never had issues with tube pins, sure sockets can get loose but that’s a one minute fix and tube pins are easy to clean.

What AGD has done is brilliant on more than one level.

No not brilliant, more inept, but guarantees return service work in the future (maybe not so stupid.$$)
There’s a HUGE!! difference in output wattage and current going through the tube pins, compared to a 10w SE 300B even a push/pull one . (do your homework) 
Especially if the AGD is "trying" to drive Wilson speakers with low bass impedances.
You may as well have those nasty spring clip speaker terminals on the back of the AGD, because that’s just as good as the tube pins and the speakers are hooked through those to the GaN output stage in the 6550 tube envelop.
First sign of a shiller. Here some more for you to agonize over.

Interviewer: I ask Alberto Guerra , why put solid state components inside an old 6550 vacuum tube envelope, bet it’s not vacuum’ed back out and sealed again either.
"Company founder Alberto Guerra admitted that he did it largely for the sake of visual aesthetics. “Otherwise a class-D amp just looks like a box”

PS: OK he’s shown all his cards, with that statement.

AGD is just GaN based Class-D slid into a "bogus" empty 6550 tube envelope, which uses (horror) the base pins for all it’s contacts, everything has to go through them, input output power supply rails everything🤢 
Just the whole gutted tube thing, stuffed with solid state, and still using all the tube pins as power/current transmitting contacts, guess in time it ensures return service work when those pins start to corrode and arc over????

Butt out, please, I was talking to Ralph🙏 (you didn't start the thread  b_limo did.)
I’m refuting the idea that a class D can’t handle this speaker

Ralph, don’t skew things around "to seem" to suit your next product.
I did not say "won’t handle", I said will not get "the best" out of the Alexia’s bass because of it loading.
We have the Alexia’s here in front of us and know what they like to get the best out of them in the bass, and it’s not Class-D yet. (Maybe in the future when they can come close to doubling from 8ohm to 4ohm to 2ohm wattages like big better linear amps can)

Keep going like this and it will look like your shilling again, because of your yet to be released GaN Class-D

Before long, he’ll be calling you sunshine
Trust fusers to back each other sunshine.(because your soooo bright) 
(not you Ralph, the other fuser here with the AGD)

Ironically its the GaNFETs that George has been so enamored of in the last couple of years
Yes I have, and still do, but never that GaN could drive .9ohm bass loads like the Alexia’s to their best. Refute that Ralph
As I said the AGD has no chance of driving the Wilson Alexia to sound their best in the bass because of their .9ohm impedance load. And refute that also Ralph.

Go and read any thread and you’ll have georgie calling anyone a shiller
Especially owners that claim these amps can drive those types of loads. Which gives out the wrong info on what they can drive, they do it because they are shilling.

It’s nice all the Class D detractors have a thread to dump in.

There are different types of Class-D detractors, some only "dump" on those ** claims made by shillers of certain brand Class-D’s, who have no idea what they claim, especially in regards to what types of loads they are capable of driving.
If they didn’t make these false ** claims, there would be no confrontation from those detractors.

I for one have heard certain Class-D amps sound great, "with the correct speaker", and have acknowledged it here on Audiogon.

Cheers George
I also do not own Wilson Alexia’s so who cares.
It was you that inferred it could drive the them to their best. You are the one that’s comical and preaching BS not me. If your going to shill something get your facts right
And now the ring leader, who thinks these AGD's can drive Wilson Alexia’s 0.9ohm bass loading so they can give their very best.🤦‍♂️

Seems to me you've made out like this AGD Class-D amp has only just now made you a D class convert in a big big way. 🙄

Just looked at your posting history, you've been very active in the positive on these AGD Class-D amp now since March. (makes one wonder why you did not state this 🤷‍♂️)

Then, you have been recruited recently as a fuser, maybe that's what you really heard?😉

Cheers George

And that’s where demagnetizing the aluminum CD disc furphy started back in 1996, and should stay. Along with all the other "snake oil" like directional mains fuses, Shun Mook mpingo disc etc etc etc 
Both de-staticing and demagnetizing a CD will improve the sound.
Like I said it’s a furphy and to those promoting it.
Maybe to de-static, but we weren’t discussing that.
But you’ve got nothing but "snake oil" voodoo for the de-magnetizing.
Ric specifically states that increasing the input impedance to 150K ohms sounds "way better."
That's furphy.
That is only true if it's input impedance was <10kohm and when if what's driving it, has a "high'ish >1kohm" output impedance, like tube pre or passive pre.
But as said, it had 38kohm input impedance, and just about anything drives that, so it's a furphy.

Cheers George