Is D for Dry? Class D...

Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry on

Showing 4 responses by dougeyjones


The fact that you’re calling me out for lack of perspective, when I literally just posted facts means that you don’t understand the technology you’re discussing. 

Tubes are famous for 2nd order harmonic distortion, it’s literally what tube lovers like about the sound. I’ve heard plenty of great sounding tube systems, but I have no illusions with regards to what’s behind the “magic”. People who love the many and varied sound signatures tubes offer should just own up to it, rather than stomping their feet like children and contending that it’s everyone else who doesn’t know what good sound is. 

There’s a reason basically no music is mastered using tube equipment, there’d be no way to ensure a consistent experience across platforms. 
I’d tapped out a couple of replies when this was current the other day, only to see that id been banned temporarily and my posts removed.

I don’t see much point in interacting in this kind of debate if the mods are going to delete/ban people for having a different opinion.


Tube mics and mic pre amps falls under my original statement, which is that tubes are great as creative devices, in the creation process. Accurate reproduction, sans 2nd order harmonics and erroneous noise, not as much. 

I have a pair of PS Audio Trio A-100's that I've upgraded by removing the 15 year old B&O ICE Modules and replacing them with current 2021 revisions of the same 200ASC modules. So, kind of a frankenstein amp because this mix of parts never existed "in the wild". In any event, they sound amazing. I use them to bi-amp my speakers for summer listening, because my Pass Labs X5 is just too hot to use in my small listening room in the summer, in Arizona.