Is computer audio a bust?

In recent months, I have had several audio acquaintances return to CDPs claiming improved SQ versus their highly optimized computer transports (SS drives, external power supplies, etc, etc).

I wanted to poll people on their experiences with computer "transports." What variables have had the most impact on sonics? If you bailed on computers, why?

I personally have always believed that the transport, whether its a plastic disc spinner or computer, is as or more important than the dac itself and thus considerable thought and energy is required.


Showing 2 responses by ghosthouse

Not a bust for me. After starting out skeptical and not hearing the benefit, I've
recently been very pleased with excellent sound quality and great listening
sessions with CDs imported to iTunes and played back via Seagate External HD
>>USB 3>>MacBook Air running BitPerfect>>Kimber USB 2>>V-Link 192>>DH
Labs Coax>>Schiit Gungnir DAC>>Stager Silver Solid IC>>Amp). I attribute the
recent improvement mainly to the Gungnir DAC (+ coax & power cable) finally
burning in. CDPs are Upgrade Company mod'd. Denon 2910 and TEAC CD3000.
Don't know your frame of reference. They might not be "high end"
enough for credibility with you but computer audio is working for me.
Foster_9 wrote
"...many of the posts in this thread clearly demonstrate
the convoluted nature of computer audio, the lack of consensus
on best practices....".

Is that to say consensus is the norm for playback of other audio media, like for instance, vinyl?

Let me think...
Direct drive, belt drive or rim drive? Moving coil (high or low output?), Moving magnet, Moving iron? Stylus configuration?...spherical, elliptical, Geiger, Stereohedron? etc. etc.. Tubed or SS phono-pre? Probably lots of other variables I'm leaving out. But I think the point is made.

I'm really not trying to convince anyone to think otherwise about computer audio. Your opinion does not affect my enjoyment. But the "lack of consensus comment" did make me chuckle.