Is Classe SSP-800 Worth Repairing?

I have a Classe SSP-800 that recently started acting up. It seems to go into what I would call a boot cycle where it clicks with the standby light flashing. I reached out to Classe and they suggested a factory reset and possible firmware update might be worth trying. I did the factory reset, but this time instead of turning off the rear power switch when it went into the boot cycle, I let it run its course. The result was the unit powering up with an error message stating circuit protection enabled. I don't think a firmware update is going to help resolve the issue.

So, I can request an RMA and send the unit from Idaho to New York and pay for repairs, or I can continue using my Oppo UDP-203 as a processor. I have a 7.1 setup with no plans to change to Atmos. I run HDMI directly from the Oppo to an Epson projector. I have a new Modwright KWH 225i on order that I will be listening to 2-channel through as well as using its HT bypass feature. My question is, is the SSP-800 worth saving? I'd appreciate any thoughts on what you might do if you were in the same situation.
I owned the SSP800 for several years and really enjoyed its musical nature(a little warmer) even for movies.  I would have it repaired unless it is really expensive.

Good Luck!
The Oppo 203 is likely pretty good, but I don't think it's going to be as transparent as the SSP-800.  Some of these older processors still have very competitive and excellent audio stages.  The main reason they are devalued is because they don't support all the new formats and features.  So I think it's up to you.  I still use the previous generation Krell S1200U-3D processor and I am not moving from that!
What do they charge for a quote? If it is say $100 for them to provide you a quote, that is probably a good investment, then decide from there. Since they shut down the Montreal facility, not sure what local service looks like any more.