Bad idea. A buffer such as the Burson is intended to improve impedance matching between line-level components. Its 3 to 6db gain will not help significantly, and its 0.015mv output noise level is only about 50db below the signal level of your 2.5mv cartridge with 6db gain applied to it. That would probably result in noise levels that are considerably worse than what you now hear.
Also, there may be impedance matching issues that would have to be addressed to properly load the mc cartridge.
If your preamp becomes excessively noisy on the phono input with the volume control only at 11 a.m., an external phono stage might be worth looking into.
-- Al
Also, there may be impedance matching issues that would have to be addressed to properly load the mc cartridge.
If your preamp becomes excessively noisy on the phono input with the volume control only at 11 a.m., an external phono stage might be worth looking into.
-- Al