Is break in quicker with Planars and Stats?

I ordered new Neo ribbon midrange panels for my VMPS FF3SRE and they shipped today so I got to thinking...
I have never purchased a higher end speaker new so I wonder if there is a quicker breakin for Planar and Electrostat models because of the very different mechanical properties, I dont remeber ever reading this topic so curious what others think. I have owned sealed, ported, transmission line, Planars and Electrostats but again never a brand new quality model.
I also had the all crossovers upgraded so thats another issue with breakin but as far as the drivers what do you guys think? Thanks for entertaining me.

Showing 2 responses by musicnoise

Speaker break in will be the same because what is being broken in is the listener not the speaker. Neither the transducers nor, in particular, the crossover components should change after the first 2 seconds of use, unless they have been just taken out of a freezing semi - and even then once they come up to room temperature there should not be any further changes. I suspect that the idea of break in arose from vendors who displayed speakers in an acoustically well designed room and driven by high end amplifiers, likely playing music selected by the sale staff. When the person gets them home into a different acoustic environment with a lower grad amp and music not optimized for display purposes, he or she is disapointed - hence - the break in theory proffered by the sellers. It works because after a while a lot of people will get used to the sound, associate it with leisure time etc and believe that their speakers have indeed broken in. What makes people willing to do this - most people don't like to think they got a bad deal or did not get what they thought they were getting. Fortunately, there are very good respectable companies making very good products - so you will probably be very happy right off the bat.
I have no difficulty believing Magfan's experience. But that is not what is generally referred to as speaker break in. The switching of stereo image rapidly back and forth sounds more like an impedance problem likely to a connection. Also likely is that with a little heat, the connection was made. My guess is that this occurence was dramatic, could not be missed by anyone in the room, and was initially viewed as a defect in the workmanship or the parts. Speaker break in is generally not spoken of in quite those terms, but more as a gradual shift that is not noticeable over short time periods, say 15 minute intervals. I also don't doubt that there are changes to all components over time. Otherwise nothing would wear out and all systems would last forever. Those changes are certainly measureable because we have instruments that are very sensitive and offer high repeatability and resolution - take as standard 4 terminal ohmmeter that can accurately measure a few milliohms. Whether those changes are of a magnitude that can be heard is another story. More importantly, what should be sought in any component is stability, the problem I see with a component that would exhibit changes over a period of 40 to 200 hours of use is that it follows that the changes would continue, and a continuing change that is noticeable in 40 to 200 hours of use is a change at a rapid pace. This would likely hurt sales so much that the component would not be on the market very long. Certainly mechanical systems with a good deal of motion and friction show considerable changes, particularly early on. But speakers, of whatever technology, are not in that class of mechanical systems.