Is B&W A Reputable Company

I mean I've heard their Nautilus line and prefer them to Avalons and Wilsons, and think the 802 is as transparent as a properly place Martin Logan. Does anyone else like them? and also do you think there is a big difference between the 803 and 802?

Showing 1 response by albertporter

The definition of reputable is:1.adj[worthy of esteem or deference] Synonyms, respectable, creditable, estimable, reputed, well-thought-of. Near Synonyms, honorable, worthy. If you are actually asking these questions about B&W, the answer is YES, they are all of these things! If you are asking for opinions about the performance of B&W compared to other speakers, I do prefer B&W, when compared to Avalon or Martin Logan. I cannot say the same if you wish to add Soundlab, Magnaplaner, and Quad.