Is Audio Bluebook dead?

It appears to me that Audio Bluebook is no longer being updated.

For example: Sonus Faber Venere is a really popular speaker and I have seen many (100s?) listed on Audiogon over the last ~2 years. However, I can not find any historical sale prices for these speakers in Audio Bluebook.

I am pretty sure it is not me searching incorrectly because I have been able to find historical data on older products (sold on Audiogon prior to ~ 2013).

Is Audio Bluebook really dead? Or am I just suffering the after effects of Saturday night?




Showing 2 responses by dill

Hifishark and Ebay  are not good sources for high-end audio, not enough representation of high-end manufacturers. Orion is used & participated by dealers & insurance companies and is updated in real time, AudiogoN only uses it's sales and updated infrequently. 
Great, I have used the Orion Audio Bluebook since the early 90's back when they published it in hardcover form. I think it is the best reference for high-end audio.