Is ARC Updating/Discontinuing the DSi200?

Anyone have the lowdown on the ARC DSi200?

I went to the ARC web site, and saw that the DSi200 was included in BOTH the current and discontinued categories.

When I've seen this in other contexts, it meant the manufacturer was depleting current inventory on a model that was going to be either retired or updated.

Is ARC planning on updating their first foray into Class-D SS integrateds, or are they cutting & running?

Asking b/c I was pondering doing an "upgrade" on my Ayre AX-7e to something SS with a bit more juice. My 3 "finalists" are the Arc DSi200, the Pass Int-150, and the Modwright KWI200. If the DSi200 is history, it makes my decision a little bit easier.


Showing 2 responses by dchang1981

I don't see it on the current integrated amps section, been gone for awhile as far as I remember. Was wondering about the vsi60 as well, seems like dealers are giving a decent discount on that, but the price delta between it and the vsi75 is pretty hefty.
If you like the way it sounds who the heck cares what some anonymous internet person is telling you. Reading the forums for years ive realized i was taking the advice of people who hyperbolize everything and for some reason others take one opinion on the internet as gospel. The one thing i do appreciate about arc is there support department so i can rest easy for the long term.