Is anyone using either a Allnic L3000 or L1500?

What are your impressions of either preamp? Please good bad or ugly. How do they stack up against each other? I would be using one or the other with the Merrill audio ncore amps, Usher BE-10 speakers and an Exemplar Oppo 95 for source.

Showing 1 response by knghifi

Synergy is the key. I have the Allnic L-1500, Allnic H1201 phono and Allnic Puritas cartridge and find it way to bright with my Krell amps and B&W 801's. me too looking for a resonably priced amp that makes the Allnic sing rather than scream.
What cables are you using?

I've had 3 Krells and found network cables to work the best ie: MIT and Transparent. With the wrong cables, ie: Nordost, it bright and thin.

My last 2 Krells were FBP300 and FBP600 and LONG ago so maybe there are new cables that's a good match.

I know Agon member "Audiolabyrinth" finds Tara Labs a good match for his FBP700cx.