Is AES/EBU the same as XLR?

I was curious to know if I can use the same analog XLR cables that I currently use between my cd player and preamp for the connection between my digital AES/EBU output on my cd player to my DAC.

Are they the same cable? If not, what is the difference? The connections look identical to me.

Thank you.
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Showing 1 response by dcrugby

i will add that my favorite audio buy ever is the van den hul first cable used as a digital interconnect, which is pertinent in that i don't believe that it's the recommended 75 ohms. i bought it as an analog interconnect, but after reading that some people used it as a digital cable i gave it a go and loved it. been itchin' to try my vdh "second" cables as digital interconnects, but i don't have any xlr digital stuff.

so you never know what will sound good.