Is a separate phono pre really necessary?

I have an upgraded Rega P3 that is now essentially a P6 (groove tracer subplatter and counter weight, Rega Neo ps) that has a Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC star mounted on it. It is then connected to a Park Audio Budgie Ten SUT and then to a Rogue Audio RP-5 preamp.

This question is about the phono stage in the RP-5. Would upgrading to a separate phone preamp of around $1,000 to $2,000 be a worthwhile upgrade from the internal phone preamp in the RP-5? And if so which phone pre do you guys recommend (notwithstanding all the caveats about subjectivity). I'm thinking of the soundsmith mcp-2, PS audio stellar phono, parasound jc3 jr., maybe a Manley Chinook if I can find a good deal.

The wrinkle is the loading requirements for the zephyr mimic star: >= 470 ohms. This makes a lot of phone preamps really not suitable for this cartridge (hence premaps with adjustable loading via a pot) because of the static loading options are mostly well below 470 ohms on most phono preamps


Showing 6 responses by smanuel

@bkeske I had the same feeling at 1k as well. But I've decided to use a SUT for greater dynamic punch but with the loss of that shine and sparkle you mentioned because of the need to use 47k with the SUT. This was why I'm tentatively leaning towards phono stages with adjustable loading (and maybe higher gain than what I currently have at +60db)

@beatlebum That was another option I was considering. I was a bit hesitant because of the loading options are not as flexible as the amps I mention but Sutherland seems to consistently get good reviews which speaks well of the brand.

@avanti1960 The Sutherland 20 20 is growing on me (it's physical size would be a great benefit given my limited rake space). Regarding shimming: I've avoided that for some time now giving the hassle of doing it. However, I'm currently using a 3mm Funk Firm Acromat and I'm pretty sure this is throwing off the SRA. And besides, I purchased the Grovetracer counter weight specifically for shimming I have no reason not to.

@rodman99999 Sadly Rega's have built-in interconnects and I'm not sure I can find out the impedance. However, I'll certainly keep that in mind (it slipped my mind).

@rsf507 Thanks for the suggestion of the Gold Note PH-10.

@ghdprentice I'm also leaning that way as well. I would dearly love an Audio Research pre but size limitations prevent me from those brands.



@elliottbnewcombjr The review you linked to was one reason why I'm going down this path. NG impression of the RP-5 phono stage has been mine as well. I thought a SUT would help; it has but at the cost that was pointed out in the review (and the loss of shine and sparkle that @bkeske mentioned).

@viridian Yeah, you’re probably correct; Dr. Feickert, Linn, SOTA, P8/P10 are all on my wish list. However my current budget precludes a such an upgrade at the moment. But that is why I’m asking about a separate phono stage.

@elliottbnewcombjr Do I like my MM phono stage sound? Not sure. Both sound fine but a bit flat to my ears. Like that AS review you quoted, I’m using the highest gain setting and that could be the issue. Or it could be that I’m running the signal through a SUT and this is loading the cart at the minimum impedance setting. But either way I feel that a separate phono stage might be beneficial. And the extra gain would be welcome as well.

@audphile1 @aj523 @sokogear Thanks for your impressions of Sutherland gear. I’m getting the sense that Sutherland equipment is really good for the price.

@jfuquay "Pleasant"-- that is *exactly* what the RP-5 phono stage sounds/feels to me. It really doesn’t wow me much. And considering I have a pretty damn good cart I feel this might be a limiting part of my system.