Is a Ortofon Black a step down from a Pickering XSV 3000

I currently use a Pickering XSV3000 cartridge with original stylus.  Sounds pretty good.  I do not hear many modern cartridges that sound like this one.  Is the Ortofon Black a considerable step back from this cartridge?

Showing 2 responses by freeman59

OK Thanks to all of you for your kind answers and suggestions, I could try the LP Gear one, Rome is very prepared and really kind, he explained me various things and gave me some advice, Raul thanks for sending me the Bluz Bros link but the D5000 stylus is unavailable and then if the D4000 stylus that is available ir's for saleat $ 434, pure madness, in my opinion, the price for the D5000 would be even higher and assuming it is really original: with little more than $ 500 it is already possible to buy a new current cartridge that maybe sounds better than my XSV / 5000, or maybe not? ... anyway maybe I have found in these days, I hope, a bargain: a whole XSV / 5000 cartridge for 300 € with Shipped via an acquaintance by a professional and established Jazz trumpet player whose grandfather was a great Hi End collector who gave him various turntables and related pickups, including this XSV / 5000 in perfect condition, I hope well to have facts the choice down  is, then I will tell you if I made a good deal or not .. by the way, given the disaster I have made, please advise me what substance or product to use to clean the stylus diamond?  isophrilic alcohol can go, or what other ?  what kind of brush and how to clean it so as not to damage the cantilever it?  thank you again

Hi everyone..I hope someone can help me..stupidly I broke the D5000 stylus of my beloved Pickering XSV 5000 after cleaning the diamond tip too hard the cantliver no longer holds the weight .. after so many years of excellent sound , now I'm desperate: obviously I can't find any original stylus or NOS, and even if I did, I probably couldn't afford the cost, which I've read all over the web, it's scary ... the advice I would like from all of you, who are super experts, is whether it is better to settle for stylus reproduced, like this one: or if any of you can advise me else if there is better, or replace my beloved Pickering with a new cartridge..but which one can be considered the same or even better quality than the XSV / 5000 ???  and what are the costs?  my XSV 5000 is on an SME 3009 lll S arm mounted on a Thorens TD160 Super MKll, pre VTL Deluxe, VTL 75/75 power amp with Pro Ac super tower mk ll, recently reconated: I listen, and as a pianist I also play , mostly jazz, fusion, but I also like other genres .. I liked the dynamics of my XSV 5000 ... what please advise me to do?  Thank you