Is a home theater even worth it or doable?

Please be honest with me. I'm a huge TV  movie fan as I'm sure many of you are, and in my youth I used to have a Denon setup, blu-ray, etc. I loved the experience. Fast forward 25 years and now I just stream my tv and movies off Netflix, HBO Max, and Hulu. We are doing a new addition where we have an open space concept. I see myself continuing to stream in the future, but would like a clean sound at least. I am treating myself to an 85" TV not sure the make model yet, but I want a big one. Does it make sense for me to even invest in something more then a sound bar given my streaming and open concept? If so, what type of setup should I consider or if I should prewire something up and where would that be? Thanks for your advice.


Showing 1 response by dean_palmer

Most people (people not nerding out here on an audio forum) can enjoy a good home theater and most people spend more time watching TV and movies than anything else. Streaming a movie, or playing from a BluRay disc doesn't really matter, a decent system makes both enjoyable, and many people will never know the source unless you show them a disc or bore them with talk about streaming, and they still will tell you they sound the same. Focus more on the basics, like a good center channel as that is where most of the sound will come from for video. Get decent mains, and that is where the other important sound will come from for music and video both. Definitely pre-wire the room as much as possible if the walls are open, and keep in mind that most minor imperfections in sound stage from surround speaker placement can be adjusted from the surround processor. Get a decent processor/head unit that also allows you to play 2-channel stereo in some type of "pure direct" mode. Keep in mind that you may be the only one that is even concerned about having good sound in your circle of family or friends, and in my case not a damn one cares about the details of my system or spends time doing any critical listening.