Is a femto clock important if you aren't using asynch USB?

I am considering buying a used Wyred 4 Sound DAC2 DSD se for streaming from my Bluesound Node 2i, and the seller told me that this DAC2 se is one of the early ones that does NOT have a femto clock.  My Bluesound does not have USB output, so I won't be using the USB input on the DAC2.  My understanding is that the femto clock is mainly useful to sync up the digital stream from a computer; is it likely to make much difference if my source is a streamer and the input is SPDIF?


Showing 2 responses by vonhelmholtz

While it is true that USB does not rely upon the streamers clock, it seems to me that you want a good DAC clock for stable sampling of any input.


I believe that many have already told you that the W4s is not a good choice, but you have ignored those posts and ask once again the same question.  If you are going to get it then go ahead, but please read reply’s of those responding.