Is a deal a deal?

Hello Audiogoners,

I have been sitting on the side lines for the past two years. The several posts on this site are both educational and enjoyable. Audiogon is a place where audio and home theater hobbyists meet and share common interests.Right?

The point that I am making is,has anybody lied on a deal that they made with you? Over the past two years I have purchased twelve items on this site. All twelve have been deals with people who are honest and represenative of Audiogons policies. This said, shopping here is mostly free of worries.

However, last month, I had a deal pending with an Audiogoner. We came to an agreed figure, exchanged adddesses, and phone numbers and planned a time to call to finalize things. We had e-mailed each other several times back and forth. An hour before he was supposed to call me, he e-mailed me saying there was aproblem with the man that he was buying his replacement amp from. Meanwhile, an identicle ad was found on e-bay from a friend of mine. This individual uses two e-mail address, and but is still known as Nick.

The point that I am making is this individual shouldn't be abusing this site. We are composed of honest people sharing the same interests.This was so upsetting that when I read a new listing of his today, that indicated his e-bay address I notified him that he is a lier!

If you make a deal stick with it,you will also make a friend!These are my findings.

Happy Listening,

Showing 1 response by ljgj

There is also the guy who says he is considering and very interested in buying your item but never really commits to it. He emails a bunch of questions and you try to answer as best as possible - he still never says he actually wants the item - then bam someone who has done his homework on the item prior to certain obvious questions and says - I want it. The other guy emails back and asks even more questions and you have to say sorry but it sold. He then gets upset and starts bashing you that he should have been warned it might be sold and says you flushed the toilet while he was still on it. This particular guy was not an Audiogon member and I tried to say that when an item goes on this site the first person to commit wins because we all know we could take too long in making up our mind and lose out to a fellow member plus it is always not easy to determine who is or who is not really wanting to buy the item. I have had people say yes I want the item and then seem to leave the face of the internet. All of these things are the risk we take on this site. I really enjoy exchanging thoughts and opinions on the threads and most of the people I have dealt with are very good and honest and I do not care if they leave feedback or not as long as they are happy with the deal and so am I.