Is a DAC Worth It With Airport Express

Hi - hoping I can get some guidance on DAC and whether or not I need one. My current system:

Onkyo SR608
KEF Surround Speakers 3500SE
MacBook Pro w/iTunes

I play my iTunes library on my Onkyo receiver / KEF speakers via Airport Express.

I recently saw the PS Audio Digital Link III available at a pretty reasonable price. I know that this type of DAC (and others I'm sure) make CDs sound better, but I never use any of my CDs anymore. I listen to all my music as described above and use Apple Lossless whenever possible.

Would my setup benefit from the PS Audio product? I would imagine the setup would be Airport Extreme --> PS Audio --> Onkyo Receiver, correct?

Or is the DAC on my Onkyo fine as it is and the PS Audio just a waste of money?

Thanks so much!!!
Great responses. Thank you.

Any thoughts on my set up with the soon to be released Peachtree DAC'it?

Thanks again.
Again, it all depends on the resolution of your system and the quality of the DAC in your AVR. I'd assume you'd hear a difference, improvement and/or worth the cost is another matter that's up to the individual.

If you can try one risk-free for a period, that should answer your question. You may find that the money would be better spent elsewhere. Only one way to ultimately find out.
Anyone know if the McCormack DAC (original) handles jitter very well? Thats what I am using from the AE