Is 2hz/100khz better sound than 20/20?

Have SACD player with freq resp of 2hz-100hz (well outside human hearing,isn't it?) and the manual warns not to use (flip switch on rear of SACD)with commonplace 20hz/20khz amps like mine or bad things will happen. Do my Krell or Citation or Bryston amps really stand a chance of harm if I unleash the SACD? Will it sound differently or better? Is it just marketing? Please help,not tring to start a cable or dbt diatribe. "Just listen" advise won't be of tremendous help either. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by john_l

I heard that Sony smoked some high end amps in preparation for their chicago debut. They switched to a different brand. Just rumor. Didn't read it anywhere. I would ask Sony or your amp manufacturer to be safe. Does anyone know what Sony uses at their shows ?