
Does anyone out there know a technician that is familiar with the IRS Beta's.  Having a feedback problem with the servocontroller. Not sure whether it is the controller or the control woofer.  When I plug the servo control cables in I get an overload of the amp that controls the woofers.  The safety cut out kicks in.  Is the module for the control woofers servicable?

Thanks in advance.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xc421c
c421c.: Great to know you are another IRS Beta owner.  Where are you in the US?  If we are near to each other, I really like to get together some time to share our experiences.  I think my pair of IRS Beta is working as well as they could but like to listen to other people's Beta to confirm I am not too far off.
Also, the Infinity Loudspeaker forum over at is a good resource. Lots of vintage Infinity users there who can likely assist.
I’m located in SW Florida.  Thanks everyone for your input and suggestions. I will let you know how it works out. I suspect a lot is a phase issue. Will go over the wiring when I get the units back from testing. 
We are far apart as I am in Boston suburb.  You are welcome whenever you are in the area for dinner and visit.  
Hope your Beta will be back to their best soon.