
Does anyone out there know a technician that is familiar with the IRS Beta's.  Having a feedback problem with the servocontroller. Not sure whether it is the controller or the control woofer.  When I plug the servo control cables in I get an overload of the amp that controls the woofers.  The safety cut out kicks in.  Is the module for the control woofers servicable?

Thanks in advance.

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Showing 2 responses by reubent

Michael Marks may be able to assist you. You can look him up on eBay where he goes by the user name magicmarksy. He is an expert on vintage Infinity speakers. I think he offers repair service for the servo controllers and he may have a unit for sale if needed.
Also, the Infinity Loudspeaker forum over at is a good resource. Lots of vintage Infinity users there who can likely assist.