IRD monoblocks or Acoustic Reality?

I only need 100w at 8ohm and want to try the class d amplification. Which is the better pick, the IRD monoblocks or the Acoustic Reality? Both are bought over the net. Both have good reviews. Both are inexpensive. Comments please.

Showing 2 responses by gmood1

You may want to ask this question over on Audiocircle.Great bunch of folks over there..they are more into off the beaten path products and DIY as a whole than Agons forums. Lot of hidden goodies in those forums without the big name hype.

Have fun!
Too bad your not closer Reubent I would love to hear those monoblocks on my FTA-2000s!
Our taste can't be too far off. I liked my former Quad 99 CDP alot!
Sometimes I wish I still owned it! :-)

Take care