iPod to DAC

Is there a way? My brother is coming for a visit and he is curious how to do this if possible.

Showing 1 response by uva_hifi

For those looking at iPods, look at the iRiver hp120 and 140's before buying. Much better sound from the headphone jack AND it has a digital output! I compared the iPod, iRiver, Samsung and Creative 20-40GB machines with the same headphones, same decoders, etc. and found the iRiver by far the best sounding, as did the 2 other people that played along with my maddness! It has tons of other features the other lack as well, and is darn sexy looking to book

*PS, I'm a powerbook owner and love macs, and even plan to buy an airport extreem to feed the laptop digital to my Benchmark dac, yet still favor the iRiver, which easily plugs into the mac, fwiw. Can't wait to see who wins with the Powerbook vs. the iRiver into the dac!