iPod: Questions and Options

Well, with rumors floating around of a new 60GB iPod due in a couple months, I pulled the trigger this week on a current 4th generation 40GB click wheel model. I'm really enjoying the ease of use and simple yet elegant [as always] Apple industrial design.

I also ordered a Dension ice>Link v1.1 car interface for my '99 BMW M3 which sould be arriving soon.


I have a few questions however for those iPod users with more experience.

1. Which earphones/headphones are you enjoying with the iPod?
I was using a pair of Grado SR60s at work with my Sony Discman and iTunes on my G4 Mac, but they sound dull and closed in with the iPod. I feel more satisfied with the cheap little earbuds that come with the iPod. The Grados seem to tame the digital nasties from my Discman and do well with my iTunes, but they may be too dull for the iPod. Any suggestions? Etymotics or Shure earphones? What about headphones?

2. What does the "Sound Check" function on the iPod and in iTunes do?
It's "off" on my iPod, but I have it "on" with iTunes when importing songs.

3. Which compression scheme do you like?
The first group of songs I imported into iTunes I did with the AAC Encoder set to 320kbps. The last batch I imported using the Apple Lossless Encoder. I've yet to compare the same songs side by side, but I was wondering what people thought.

4. Using it as a digital source in a 2-channel system
I bought a Monster earphone-to-stereo RCA jack so I can play it through my 2 channel system at home. What settings do you people use when playing it this way? EQ "off"? What about the iPod volume? Should I keep it at one setting and adjust the master volume through my preamp? Again, what about "Sound Check? Any other cable options other than the Monster?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Showing 3 responses by the_kid

I never thought when I purchased my iPod (4th Gen 40G) that I would become such an "Addict". Anyway, I use all Audience Au24 in my system and love the results. Well, in search of a high quality connection for my iPod Dock and Apple Airport Express, I contacted Audience. They custom made me a connector out of their Conductor line cable. It was SO much better than the Monster Cable I was using as it was about all I could find.

Anyway, I would HIGHLY suggest giving Audience a call and checking out the cable. Also, check out the Airport Express as you can stream music wirelessly from iTunes!

Truly Cool Stuff!


John McDonald the CEO responded to me personally and offered to make it. I just e-mailed the main alias off their web page. I forgot to mention, I actually listen to my iPod 3 ways. I have Sennheiser HD600's which the iPod will actually power (not great but good) and I also have a Tivoli Model 2 Radio at work which has an Aux input. It sounds pretty damn good. I also have my iPod dock hooked up to my Cary Sli-80 on my two channel system.

I am actually streaming tunes now in my listening room as I am going to see Social Distortion on Monday Night! It is so easy to just skim through their catalog with the Airport and iTunes!

Good Listening to you!

Well, for what it is worth, I would suggest upgrading opertation systems to 2000 or XP from ME even if you do not keep the iPod. You can purchase an XP uprade package for $99.00. You will be surprised how much better your machine will run. Also, make sure you are using USB 2.0.
