Ipod Dock with direct out?????

I LOVE my integrated amps and need a dock for my I POD. FATMAN makes some decent docks, but they all are integrated amps without the direct out option. Any decent choices out there? I know Wadia is coming out with one. Where would I buy it if thats the choice? Thanks!
I felt the exact same way Uclaid, mine sent back the same day I received it. Try an Apple TV, it is working great for me as a little music server.
Can you elabaorate how you have the Apple TV set up and how you use it in your two channel system?
I imagine you are using your video display to view what files to play and the Apple TV comes with a remote too.
Do ou use an Airpirt Extreme to wirelessly connect everything or an IPhone to control?
I've been running mine with a Keces DA-131 DAC since Monday, and am quite happy with the sound quality. To my ears it sounds just as good as my Cambridge Audio CDP. Now I do think the remote is horrible, but I knew about it before buying it. I am using a 80gig Classic. As far as the jitter #'s and possibility of jitter that quite a few people are complaining about, would someone please explain what I should be hearing if jitter is indeed occuring, because the music sounds fine to me. Besides for the absurd price of the MSB piece, I would hope it had better specs than the Wadia piece. Hell for the price they are charging, I would guess you could build a better music server.
I must be missing something. This all seems like an awful lot of money and trouble to end up with something that a good music server could do for a lot less money.
Just for example, what can a Wadia plus iPod do that, say, a Cambridge 740H server (250GB, MP3, FLAC, WAV, 3x Wolfsen DAC's, WiFi etc) can't?
Sure the iPod is portable, but not when you add the Wadia dock, amp & speakers and so on.
Sure the iPod is portable, but not when you add the Wadia dock, amp & speakers and so on.
Why does it no longer become portable? You just pull it off the iTransport, plug in your headphones and away you go!

I admit I am not knowledgeable off all the other ways, but this is a very easy way to have a music server based system, one you can take with you to boot.

As for money, I don't know what that setup you suggest costs, but the iTransport and an iPod seems reasonable to me.